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Sage Transform (February 2024) Keynotes Available

While Sage Transform 2024 (held February 26-29 in Las Vegas) didn’t offer a live stream of the keynote addresses, good news! Keynote presentations from CEO Steve Hare and CTO Aaron Harris are now available on YouTube. The next Sage Transform conference is tentatively scheduled for November 5-8, 2024, in Atlanta for all North American Customers…

As of February 2024, Sage Intacct Reportedly Has 13 Partners Certified in Sage Distribution Manufacturing Operations

Sage Transform 2024 is happening this week in Las Vegas. I just noted an unofficial update from one of their partners about the status of the Sage Distribution Manufacturing Operations offering, which was announced in May 2023 and is their cloud-based distribution and manufacturing functionality for Sage Intacct. According to a LinkedIn post, Sage reportedly…